Competition: Flag Football

Updated: April 22nd, 2024



Date:   Wednesday, July 3rd & Thursday, July 4th (may extend to Friday, July 5th, if registration numbers are high)

Time: TBD

Location:  TBD

Regional Representation:

2 teams per region per event

Participants can play in one age group plus one open (18 and older) event only.

Consideration will be made to have a third team from certain regions allowed to register in order to balance teams within any age group.  An example would be if there was significant interest to have a third team from Lethbridge and we had an odd number of teams in order to balance a division.


There needs to be a minimum of 4 teams per age group.  All teams will play in a round robin format against teams from their division.  The top 4 teams in each division will play off in single elimination games with the top 2 teams advancing to a championship game. 

Events and Age Groups: All age categories are for male or mixed male female registration:

U11 - 2013 & 2014

U13 - 2011 & 2012

U15 - 2009 & 2010

U17 - 2007 & 2008

Adult 18 and over

Rules and Regulations:

  1. Sportsmanship / Roughing
    1. Foul play will not be tolerated. If the referee witnesses any act of tackling, elbowing, cheap shots or any other unsportsmanlike act, the game will be stopped and the player may be ejected from the game at the discretion of the referee.
    2. Trash talking and offensive language is also not allowed.  The referee can call an objectionable conduct penalty and/or eject a player from the game for any act that is deemed offensive.
  2. Game Play
    1. The tournament will be played as 5 vs 5 flag football
    2. No contact allowed
    3. The game will start with a coin toss. The team that wins the coin toss will determine who starts with the ball.  That team can choose to start on offense or defense.  The team that loses the coin toss chooses which side to play.  Second half will switch sides and switch which team starts with possession.  The team that starts the first half on offense will start the second half on defense.
    4. Offensive team takes possession of the ball at its own 5-yard line and has 3 downs to cross midfield. If a first down if earned the team then has 3 downs to score a touchdown. 
    5. If a team is faced with a third down situation the team has a choice to gamble or to punt. If they choose to gamble and a first down is not earned, the ball turns over at the last point of possession before the first down is not earned.    If they choose to punt, the referee will count 25 yards from the point of possession and the ball will be moved accordingly.   If a 25-yard punt puts the ball in the other teams end zone the ball will be moved out to the 5-yard line. There will be no kickoffs.
    6. If a team throws and interception the defense has the opportunity to run the ball back for a touchdown. If the player that intercepts the ball is flagged, the possession will change at the point where the flag is pulled. 
    7. Flags will be provided by the tournament at each event and will be used and then left at the field for the next team to use.
    8. Coaches are not allowed on the field to assist the players at any time.  If a player is injured and the play is stopped the coaches can come on the field to assess the injury and help the player off the field if necessary.
  3. Scoring
    1. Touchdowns are 6 points
    2. Extra points are either 1 point from 5 yards out or 2 points from 10 yards out.
    3. Safety Touches are worth 2 points.
    4. If a ball is intercepted on an extra point play the defense has the opportunity to return the ball to the other teams end zone and earn 1 or 2 points.
    5. If a penalty occurs on the defense the decision to go for 1 or 2 points can’t be changed.
  4. Non-contact
    1. There will be no blocking, tackling or contact.  This includes blocking the rusher from rushing the quarterback or down field blocking.  The referee can call a penalty accordingly.
  5. Rushing the Quarterback
    1. Players that rush the quarterback must be a minimum of 7 yards back from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. Any player that was not 7 yards back at the snap of the ball can’t cross the line of scrimmage to rush the quarterback unless there is a hand off and the ball changes possession from one offensive player to another.   The official will use bean bags or pylons to mark 7 yards back from the line of scrimmage.   The rusher is allowed a direct line to the quarterback and is not to be interfered with.  The rusher has to rush on one side of the center or another and not up the middle. 
    2. The offense is required to avoid interfering with the rusher. 
  6. Fumbles
    1. There are no fumbles. If a player is running the ball or catches a pass and then starts running and drops the ball the ball is dead at the position of the players feet when the ball hits the ground.  There will also be not stripping the ball by defenders.  This is considered a penalty. 
    2. If there is a bad snap from the center to the quarterback, the ball will not be dead and the quarterback will have the opportunity to pick up the ball and continue play.  An example would be if the snap goes over the quarterback’s head.  If the quarterback catches the snap and then drops the ball it will still be live until the quarterback regains possession.  Once the quarterback has possession of the ball and then the ball is dropped it will be considered a dead ball at that point.
  7. Penalties
    1. Defensive Penalties
      1. Offside or Illegal rush
      2. Pass Interference
      3. Illegal contact - such as holding or bumping will be determined by the official
      4. Roughing the quarterback (not playing the flag)
      5. All defensive penalties will be 5 yards from line of scrimmage and automatic first down except holding or pass interference which would be added on at the end of the play.
    2. Offensive Penalties
      1. Illegal procedure/ illegal motion / offside
      2. There must be at least 3 players on the line of scrimmage on any play that can’t move or go in motion before the snap. If they move or go in motion or attempt to draw the defense offside this is a penalty.  If a player is behind the line of scrimmage before the snap motion is allowed.
      3. Offensive Pass Interference - pushing off a defender or interference with a defender attempting to intercept a pass
      4. Flag Guarding (players must keep hands above the waist and may not try to block or straight arm a defender attempting to pull a flag)
      5. Delay of game - each play will have 30 seconds to be initiated as timed by the official. If the time gets down to 10 seconds a 10 second warning is to be given.
      6. Running in no run zone - if ball is first and goal from the opponents 5-yard line or closer, no running plays are allowed.
      7. Rusher Interference - the offensive team must not interfere with the rusher attempting to rush the quarterback.
      8. Illegal forward pass - each team is allowed one forward pass per play from behind the line of scrimmage. If the quarterback or another player that takes a hand off crosses the line of scrimmage before making a forward pass, the play will be an illegal forward pass penalty.
      9. Offensive penalties will be 5 yards and down repeated unless loss of down applies.  (See page 39 of Football Canada play book).  Loss of down penalties are Illegal Forward Pass, Offensive Pass Interference, Running inside 5-yard zone and Rusher Interference.
  8. Receiving
    1. All players including the center are eligible to receive a pass, including the quarterback.  If the quarterback hands or laterals the ball to a team mate behind the line of scrimmage, the initial quarterback can then go for a pass.
  9. On Field Harassment
    1. The Southern Alberta Summer Games has a zero-tolerance policy for any type of harassment. If a player, coach, parent or spectator is abusive in any way towards officials, other competitors or volunteers that individual will be immediately ejected from the competition.

Registration Deadline:

Registration Deadline as designated by your Regional Director

All registrations are done through your Regional Director, who will determine the Regional Deadline. The registration fee must also be submitted to your Regional Director. Signed consent forms must accompany the waivers.  

No late registrations will be accepted.

Events for an age group may be cancelled if there are less than 4 teams registered.   The athletes that have registered but are affected by cancellation will be given an opportunity to register again in another category if applicable.

Upcoming Events

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