Competition: Beach Volleyball

Updated: April 18th, 2024



Date:   Thursday, July 4th, Friday, July 5th, & Saturday, July 6th 

Time: Check in: 8:00 am       Start Time: 9:00 am

Location: Stafford Lake Resort (190057 Twp Rd 9-2, Lethbridge County, AB, T0K0B0) 

Regional Representation:

Two teams per event, per region.

Events and Age Groups: All ages as of December 31st of current year. 




Net Height

Date of Tournament


Juvenile 14-16

2 on 2

2.24 meters

July 4th, 2024


Juvenile 14-16

2 on 2

2.24 meters

July 4th, 2024


17 years & over

2 on 2

2.24 meters

July 5th, 2024


17 years & over

2 on 2

2.43 meters

July 5th, 2024

Co-Ed Open

14 years & over

4 on 4

2.35 meters

July 6th, 2024

 Coaching/Management Miscellaneous: 

Team size:      2 on 2 (3 max / 2 min) up to 1 coach/manager

                     4 on 4 (6 max / 4 min) 2 males and 2 females on the court at all times


Division round robin play, best of 2 games with top four teams of each division advancing to playoffs.

The Beach Volleyball Sport Chair reserves the right to change this format, depending on the number of teams registered.

Rules and Regulations:

  1. Competition will be governed by the Volleyball Alberta rules for beach volleyball
  2. Every athlete must be able to produce appropriate identification at all times
  3. Teams must be present 15 minutes prior to the match starting time indicated on the schedule. Any team not present for their event will forfeit the match. Teams are expected to begin their match on time and in accordance with the schedule provided. If a team fails to show up within 10 minutes of start time, their first set will automatically be forfeited. After a subsequent 10 minutes the entire match will be forfeited.
  4. Please bring your own volleyballs for your team warm-up.
  5. Each team is allowed one 30 second timeout per game.
  6. Teams may be required to keep score or act as ball shaggers when not playing.
  7. Setting off of the service, or a freeball is considered a fault, regardless of quality of contact. Play will be stopped and a double contact will be called.
  8. Players are allowed to play on either one of the male’s teams or female’s teams, plus one co-ed team.
  9. Co-ed games must have 2 female and 2 males on the court at all times 
  1. The 14-16 age category will be officiated by a third party for both round robin and playoffs. 17 & over age, and co-ed category will be self-officiated during the round-robin and playoffs.
  2. Emphasis is on fun and fair-play - please recognize proper game etiquette.
  3. Format will consist of division round robin play, 2 games. Depending on the number of teams registered teams will be pooled with the top team(s) of each pool advancing to playoffs. Each game is played to 21 points, with a 2 point advantage needed to win. After every 7 points played, the teams must switch courts immediately. A rally point scoring method will be used. Playoffs will be the best of 3 games. Each game is played to 21 points, with a 2 point advantage needed to win. If a third game is required, then to 15 points with a 2 point advantage needed and switching courts every 5 points scored.
  4. The Beach Volleyball Sport Chair reserves the right to change the tournament format, depending on the number of teams registered or any other extenuating circumstance (weather etc.).
  5. The first team to 21 points with a 2 point advantage wins the game. Tie breaking procedure: If 2 or more teams are tied at the end of the divisional round robin, the following criteria will be applied, in order:
  • The team having won the greater number of sets between the tied teams, will be ranked higher.
  • The team having the best ratio of points for/against, considering games played between the tied teams, will be ranked higher.
  • The team having the best ratio of points for/against, considering all games played during the round robin will be ranked higher.
  • If still tied, a set to 15 will be played between tied teams with a 2 point advantage needed to win.

     15. Due to unfavorable weather or time restrictions, game chair at their discretion can alter the schedule or points per game.

     16. The Southern Alberta Summer Games has a Zero Tolerance Harassment Policy.  If a competitor, coach, parent, or spectator is abusive in any way towards                   officials, other competitors, or volunteers, they will immediately be ejected from competition.

Registration Deadline: 

Registration Deadline as designated by your Regional Director

All registrations are done through your Regional Director, who will determine the Regional Deadline. The registration fee must also be submitted to your Regional Director. Signed consent forms must accompany the waivers.   

No late registrations will be accepted. 

Events will be cancelled if there are one or less teams registered.  Should any event be cancelled due to lack of registrations, the athletes being affected by the cancellation will be given an opportunity to re-register in another suitable category provided that event is scheduled to run.





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