Competition: Golf

Updated: April 23rd, 2024




Wednesday, July 3rd - Individual Events

Thursday, July 4th - Scramble Events



Check In: 30 min before your tee-time           

Start Time: See schedule for tee-time



Land O Lakes Golf & Country Club, 102 Fairway Dr, Coaldale


Regional Representation:

Open registration for Co-Ed 10-12 yr participants.

Maximum of 6 participants per age group and handicap, per region.

Maximum of 6 Scramble teams per region.



Co-Ed age group - 9 Holes (Wednesday, July 3rd)

All other individual age groups - 18 Holes (Wednesday, July 3rd)

*3 Person Scramble - 18 Holes (Thursday, July 3rd)

*Each player plays a drive from the tee box. The team chooses one of the drives to play and all players then play a ball from the chosen spot. The ball will be played no nearer to the hole and from within 12” of the original ball, in the same cut of grass. This continues until the ball is holed out. Three drives of each player must be used during the 18 hole event.


Events and Age Groups: All ages as of December 31 of current year

Co-Ed 10-12 yrs

9 Holes

All Handicaps

Boys 13-15 yrs

18 Holes

Handicap 0-9

Handicap 10-20

Handicap 21+

Girls 13-15 yrs

18 Holes

Handicap 0-9

Handicap 10-20

Handicap 21+

Boys 16-18 yrs

18 Holes

Handicap 0-9

Handicap 10-20

Handicap 21+

Girls 16-18 yrs

18 Holes

Handicap 0-9

Handicap 10-20

Handicap 21+

Men 19-54 yrs

18 Holes

Handicap 0-6

Handicap 7-12

Handicap 13-18

Handicap 19-24

Handicap 25+

Women 19-54 yrs

18 Holes

Handicap 0-9

Handicap 10-20

Handicap 21+

Men 55 and over

18 Holes

Handicap 0-6

Handicap 7-12

Handicap 13-18

Handicap 19-24

Handicap 25+

Women 55 and over

18 Holes

Handicap 0-9

Handicap 10-20

Handicap 21+


Women’s Scramble 19-54 years

18 Holes

All Handicaps

Women’s Scramble 55+ years

18 Holes

All Handicaps

Men’s Scramble 19-54 years

18 Holes

All Handicaps

Men’s Scramble 55+

18 Holes

All Handicaps

Each golfer must submit an official handicap authorized by a golf pro.


Rules and Regulations:

  1. Golf Canada Rules will be in effect.


  1. Every Athlete must be able to produce appropriate identification at all times.


  1. Motorized golf carts may be used by those 16 years of age and older. A rental fee will be charged for carts over and above the green fee. 


  1. All participants must be present at least 30 minutes prior to their tee times. Green fees are to be paid upon registration.


  1. Except Co-Ed athletes aged 10-12 years, all competitors must submit a valid Golf Canada Index with their registration.


  1. Golf Canada Indexes will be used to flight athletes. There will be a maximum of 6 participants per flight. Depending on registrants per handicap, the flight may be adjusted.  i.e.  If there are low numbers in the 0-6 handicap, the flight may be combined with the next closest one (7-12).


  1. Gross scores within flights will determine winners. Medals available for top 3 competitors in each flight.


  1. Caddies are NOT permitted for any age group.


  1. A volunteer will be assigned to assist with keeping score for the Co-Ed age divisions.


  1. Parents are NOT allowed to accompany their children while they are competing on the golf course.


  1. The decision of the Golf Chairperson in consultation with the Club Pro is final.


  1. The 2024 Southern Alberta Summer Games has a Zero Tolerance Policy. If a competitor, spectator, or parent is abusive in any regard toward officials, co-competitors, or volunteers, they will be immediately disqualified from competition.


Additional Fees:

Golf requires additional green fees and offers optional cart rentals. Green Fee payment is due upon registration.



Green Fees - 9 Holes

Green Fees - 18 Holes

10-12 years

$15.00 + $1 processing fee


13-18 years


$35.00 + $1 processing fee

19+ years


$35.90 + $1 processing fee

Golf Carts




Registration Deadline:

Registration Deadline as designated by your Regional Director

All registrations are done through your Regional Director, who will determine the Regional Deadline. The registration fee must also be submitted to your Regional Director. Signed consent forms must accompany the waivers.  

No late registrations will be accepted.

Events will be cancelled if there are one or less individuals or teams registered.  Should any event be cancelled due to lack of registrations, the athletes being affected by the cancellation will be given an opportunity to re-register in another suitable category provided that event is scheduled to run.


Upcoming Events

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